BBG photo.....
Today was our last day with our wonderful yet cruel Mr Ng. His cruelty had made me done very well for my history and i am really grateful for that but he does mistreat students.. : ) Everyone took photo but the BBG were laughing when the people were taking every angle of the class as if we were leaving the school. Piles and Piles of homework are dumped on my list and make things difficult for me. Luckily Mr Ng's shop is quite close to my house for me but may not be for others. Playing in a class is never a smart thing to do and those who are at fault are probably dying with guilt inside of them. I don't know how to tell you something and i probably i don't have to but someday you will ask me the question and i will be hanging down my head in embarrassment. Craving to play all kinds of sport but i may not have a chance to play next time. Geography, this subject have not been taught and we are already given homework for that subject. My OUCH! came in and with a stern look, everyone settled down and kept really quiet.He hates people making fun of his name and warns them to keep them to themselves or he will give them a real whack on the head. Mr Ng was behind the class while he was giving out the homework. Mr Ng, holding a newspaper preparing for any noise and he would go over and give them a whack.I wondered, what would happen if Mr Ng hit me and i say OUCH! loudly, then another newspaper will fly straight to my head.Well , enough talk for today and here's a BBG photo except Joanne did not come.

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